we are traditional, community midwives

Happy mom holding newborn baby in waterbirth tub


more intimate

more comfortable

more time

more access via text, email or calling

more collaborative

more labor support

more patient and physiologic

more judicious use of interventions

more postpartum care

more breastfeeding support


Prenatal Room

 so much more than homebirth

More Intimate  

  We want to get to know you well and help you plan the birth of your dreams.  We want to hear about your hopes and plans and offer a supportive eare when anything worries you.

More Comfortable

Our space is comfortable, cozy and personal, not sterile or institutional. Families feel welcome to bring their other children or loved ones.  We’ve got plenty of space and toys to accommodate everyone.

More time

We have have generous appointment times. We schedule most visits for one hour. This time helps us  get to know each and build a trusting, collaborative relationship that puts your needs and desires front and center.

More access via text, email or calling

 We pride ourselves on our availability to you. We are happy to text, email or call based on your preferred way to communicate. Our families can clients expect to get in touch with a midwife quickly whenever anything related to labor or anything urgent is occurring. Families are welcome to contact their midwives in between appointments and should hear back from a midwife about  their concerns or questions in a reasonable amount of time.  We make a group text thread upon being hired and are accessible for emergency concerns 24/7

More collaborative 

Shared decision making is a hallmark of our care.   We will explore all your options with you, making sure you have plenty of time to do research and ask questions. Your values and beliefs are important when it comes to making decisions about you and your baby's health. 

More labor support

As midwives, our  primary concern is to shepherd mother and baby safely through the birth process, we happily provide labor support and guidance.  We are skilled in assisting progress with maternal movements and position changes, touch, encouragement, essential oils, herbs and homeopathy. We have water birth tubs for our  clients .

More patient and physiologic

Midwives are expert at physiologic birth. There's no time limit.  As long as mother and baby are doing well we are right there with you offering loving support and practical suggestions while your body does what it was meant to do. This ethos carries over into the postpartum as well. There's no rush to cut and clamp the cord or do any newborn procedures.  Just enjoy your baby--the rest will be done in due time.

More judicious use of interventions

As traditional, community midwives we are conservative about the use of intervention in labor or the immediate postpartum, but we will intervene in a labor or birth when needed to protect the safety of a mother or baby.  We are trained and  experienced with resolving shoulder dystocia, resuscitating  babies and  handling maternal hemorrhage and to recognize other complications which may necessitate transport to a hospital.

More postpartum care

We know how important the postpartum time is for a new family. We offer more postpartum care than mainstream maternity care and at least some of the early postpartum takes place in the family’s home. We  will see you 3 times  in the first 10 days in your home and 1-3 additional office visits as desired through the 6-7 weeks postpartum period.

More breastfeeding support

Among us we have breastfed 9 babies into toddlerhood. We  make it a priority to protect the initial postpartum period and support and encourage early breastfeeding.  Throughout the postpartum period we offer tips, tricks, support and encouragement to the nursing mother and refers to more specialized lactation or pediatric dentistry care as needed.

Does this sound like the kind of care you want for yourself and your family?  Reach out.  We look forward to meeting you. 

Sarah and Hayley